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Cold Room Systems Door Features

What are Cold Room Systems Door Features? How Important Is It?

One of the most important features required for cold room systems is the type of door. Cold Room Doors should be preferred for the products to be kept in the cold room, attention should be paid to the circulation process of the daily room, and the door selection should be made by considering the width of the product outlets.
There are five types of Cold Room Door systems for cold storage. These door types and their features are as follows:
swing door; It is suitable for cold rooms where less product circulation will be made in accordance with the standards.
Sliding door; It is suitable for cooling room systems that will make large product shipment or large product storage. It will not only help you save time, but also prevent your products from being damaged with excellent protection with its impact resistant sides.
FLIP-FLAP door systems; The door model, which facilitates the rapid passage of products, is one of the door types that can be considered suitable for all cooling devices. With its ability to remain half-open when necessary, it prevents the deterioration processes of products. It does not need to be opened and closed during continuous product transitions. Doors with semi-insulation offer the luxury of staying open at certain intervals.
Atmosphere controlled doors; serves specially prepared air systems. Doors that provide atmosphere control are suitable for the storage conditions of products that can perish immediately.
Loading doors: These are the types of doors that can be used in industrial cold room systems that offer ramps and bellows specially designed for fast transfers.
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