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What Temperature Should the Cold Storage Be?

In general, recommended storage temperatures for food products are subject to certain standards.

The temperature of cold storages may vary depending on the type of product stored. In general, recommended storage temperatures for food products are subject to certain standards. These standards are determined to ensure that products remain fresh and stored safely.
For example, here are some common storage temperatures:
Frozen Foods: -18 °C to -24 °C
Deep Frozen Foods: Below -24 °C
Delicatessen, Milk and Dairy Products: 0 °C to 4 °C
Meat and Seafood: -1 °C to 4 °C
Vegetables and Fruits: 0 °C to 10 °C
These temperature ranges are general standards and recommended temperature ranges may vary for specific products. Those who operate cold storage must determine temperature conditions in accordance with the types of products they store and local regulations.
It is important to comply with the specified temperature ranges for the safety and quality of the products. Therefore, the equipment used in cold storages must be adjusted correctly and temperature conditions must be checked regularly.
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