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Adjustment According to Cold Room Doors Input and Output Circulation

Cold Room Doors Should Be Adjusted According to Entry-Exit Circulation!

Cold room doors are one of the products that should be chosen with special care in cold storage constructions. Unfortunately, when these doors, which should be selected according to the product circulation, are chosen incorrectly, they cause serious product losses. Since each door has different features, doors must be selected specifically for the work done and the product to be preserved.
The biggest reason why cold room doors are selected according to the usage function of the stored product is to prevent the products from being constantly affected by the outer air layer. Separate doors are designed for the cold room systems that will not be entered for a long time, and the cold storage to be built in places where people enter and leave more frequently, and an easier usage function is offered.
This is the biggest reason why engineers design a cold room system according to the product in which it will be stored. The grades of each air tank are prepared differently and the engineers design the room according to the product. Deciding on the door selection according to the suggestions of the engineers and having it done will help you to preserve your products more easily.
On behalf of all our other products such as cold room doors and cold room panels, you can contact us via our contact numbers on our website and you can get answers to all your questions from our authorized personnel. In this way, by designing a cold room door according to the suggestions of our engineers, you increase your chance of keeping the product correctly.
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